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MAYALL, John (Bluesbreakers)   *   Hamburg/Kiel    May/June 1969

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  Pic 6293  23.05.1969 Pic 6214 04.06.1969
Pic 6185  23.05.1969 Pic 6183 04.06.1969 Pic 6182 04.06.1969 Pic 6181 04.06.1969
Pic 6291 23.05.1969 Pic 6199 23.05.1969 Pic 6197 23.05.1969 Pic 6188 23.05.1969




Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Mick Taylor, Ginger Baker, John McVie und Mic Fleetwood haben alle etwas gemeinsam: Sie spielten in John Mayalls Begleitband Bluesbreakers. Obwohl viele seiner ehemaligen Mitstreiter ungleich berühmter sind als er, trägt Mayall zurecht den Titel "Vater des britischen Blues".

1933 bei Manchester geboren, begeistert er sich schon als Kind für Blues und Jazz. Er singt, spielt Gitarre und Klavier, entscheidet sich aber erst mit dreißig für eine Vollzeitkarriere als Musiker. Davor war er schon als Grafiker tätig, diente der britischen Armee in Korea und lebte für mehrere Jahre in einem Baumhaus. Er zieht nach London, wo er sich bald einen Namen in der Kneipenszene macht.

Als Mayall 1965 vom Abgang Eric Claptons bei den Yardbirds hört, verpflichtet er ihn für seine Bluesbreakers. Mit dem Ausnahmegitarristen steigert sich der Bekanntheitsgrad der Combo erheblich und sie erhalten einen Plattenvertrag. Obwohl sie fast pausenlos um England touren, spielen sie auch viel im Studio ein; Mayall hat in vierzig Jahren Tätigkeit mehr als vierzig Platten herausgebracht.

Neben Coverversionen mehr oder weniger unbekannter Bluesnummern spielen sie auch zunehmend eigenes Material. Den Durchbruch schaffen sie 1966 mit "Bluesbreakers With Eric Clapton", das sich sowohl in England als auch in den USA in den oberen Etagen der Charts platziert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hat sich Clapton aber schon verabschiedet, um mit dem Bassisten Jack Bruce, einem weiteren ehemaligen Mitglied, Cream zu gründen.

Als Ersatzmann kommt der 17jährige Peter Green. "A Hard Road", "Crusade" und "Blues Alone" (alle 1967) festigen den Ruf Mayalls, der 1968 jedoch den Austritt von Green und Schlagzeuger Mick Fleetwood verkraften muss. Wenig später folgt ihnen auch Bassist John McVie, gemeinsam rufen sie Fleetwood Mac ins Leben.

Durch eine Annonce in einem Musikmagazin stößt Mick Taylor zur Band. Trotz der ständigen Wechsel ist sie nun so berühmt, dass sie bei ihrer ersten US-Tour 1968 als Headliner neben Jimi Hendrix und Albert King auftritt. Es ist der Höhepunkt von John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers; nachdem Taylor 1969 abwandert, um den verstorbenen Brian Jones bei den Rolling Stones zu ersetzen, löst Mayall seine Begleitband auf und beschließt, solo mit wechselnder Begleitung weiter zu machen.

Er zieht nach Los Angeles und nimmt auch in den 70erjahren regelmäßig Alben auf, stößt aber auf rasch sinkende Zahlen bei Absatz und Publikum. Der Grund liegt einerseits an einem fallenden Interesse für Blues, andererseits an seinem Material, das nicht mehr die Kraft der 60erjahren besitzt. Zwar begleitet er Größen wie John Lee Hooker, T-Bone Walker und Sonny Boy Williamson bei ihren Englandtouren, muss aber auch die Zerstörung seines Hauses durch einen Brand verkraftet, dem unter Anderem die Mastertapes viele seiner Veröffentlichungen zum Opfer fallen.

1982 beschließt er, die Bluesbreakers wieder ins Leben zu rufen. Mit von der Partie sind in den ersten Jahren auch die ehemaligen Mitglieder Mick Taylor und John McVie. Vor allem live tätig, bestehen sie seit Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends aus Schlagzeuger Tom Yuele, Gitarrist Buddy Whittington, Bassist Hank Van Sickel und Keyboarder Tom Canning.

Zu einem besonderen Konzert kommt es im Juli 2003, als Mayall seinen 70. Geburtstag in Liverpool feiert. Mit auf der Bühne sind neben seinen Standardbegleitern auch Mick Taylor, Eric Clapton und der Bluestrompetenveteran Chris Barber. Den Auftritt dokumentieren eine DVD und eine Doppel-CD.

John Mayall (* 29. November 1933 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England) ist einer der Väter des englischen Blues-Revival Anfang des 1960er Jahre. Er gilt als Vater des englischen Blues und als einer der Ersten, die den Blues von den Wurzeln weg zu experimentelleren Formen brachten.

John Mayall wurde am 29. November 1933 in einem kleinen englischen Dorf namens Macclesfield in Cheshire, England geboren – weit weg von der schwarzen, amerikanischen Blueskultur. Schon früh kam er mit der Musik in Berührung. Sein Vater war ein begeisteter Amateur-Jazzer. Als Teenager fing er an, Gitarre, Klavier und Mundharmonika zu lernen und ging später auf die Kunsthochschule, wo er eine Musikgruppe mit dem Namen Powerhouse Four hatte. Obwohl es ihm während des Studiums nie in den Sinn gekommen war, Profimusiker zu werden, trat er bereits 1950 in Manchester mit einem Blues-Trio namens Blues Syndicate auf. Alexis Korner ermutigte ihn, in London als Musiker zu arbeiten. Er nannte seine Band um und präsentierte sie 1963 im Londoner Marquee Club als Bluesbreakers. Die Besetzung der Bluesbreakers wandelte sich ständig, dabei waren so große Namen wie Mick Taylor (bei den Rolling Stones Nachfolger des verstorbenen Brian Jones), Peter Green (Mitglied von Fleetwood Mac) und Eric Clapton unter den Mitspielern. Um 1968 wandelt sich der Stil vom reinen, "klassischen" Blues zu experimentelleren Formen, zum ersten Mal auf dem Album "Blues from Laurel Canyon", das nicht unter dem Namen der Bluesbreakers entstand. Legendär ist "The Turning Point" von 1969, auf dem Mayall ohne Schlagzeuger, verzerrte Leadgitarre und Tasteninstrument bluest. Es gibt Leute, die behaupten, er sei ebenfalls beim Woodstock-Festival aufgetreten, was er jedoch in diversen Interviews dementierte.

In den Jahren danach erscheinen weitere Alben mit sehr verschiedenem Charakter. 1979 brennt Mayalls geliebtes Baumhaus im Laurel Canyon ab, mit zahlreichen Mastertapes und Tagebüchern. Als 1982 die Stimmung für Blues auf einem Tiefpunkt ist, formiert Mayall für einige Konzerte die alten Bluesbreakers mit Mick Taylor neu und tritt seitdem wieder mit traditionellem Bluesbreakers-Sound auf, wobei er sich immer noch als phantasievoller Songwriter zeigt; er spielt weniger Tasten, sondern konzentriert sich auf die (selbstgebaute) Gitarre. Seinen 70. Geburtstag feierte Mayall mit einem Konzert der Bluesbreakers plus die alten Freunde Clapton, Taylor und Chris Barber in Liverpool. Noch heute tourt John Mayall mit den Bluesbreakers regelmäßig in den Staaten und auch in Deutschland. Die Zeiten einer riesigen Fangemeinde, als er in der Westfalenhalle vor 10.000 Leuten spielte, sind jedoch vorbei, statt dessen tritt er regelmäßig in Clubs und auch bei den wichtigsten Bluesfestivals auf.


  • 1965 John Mayall Plays John Mayall (Live At Klooks Kleek)
  • 1966 Bluesbreakers (mit Eric Clapton, Alan Skidmore)
  • 1966 Raw Blues
  • 1967 A Hard Road (mit Peter Green)
  • 1967 Crusade (mit Mick Taylor)
  • 1967 The Blues Alone
  • 1968 Bare Wires
  • 1968 So Many Roads
  • 1968 Blues from Laurel Canyon (mit Mick Taylor)
  • 1968 The Diary of a Band Vol. 1 & 2
  • 1969 Looking Back
  • 1969 The Turning Point
  • 1970 Empty Rooms
  • 1970 USA Union
  • 1971 Memories
  • 1971 Back to the Roots
  • 1972 Jazz Blues Fusion
  • 1973 Moving On
  • 1973 Ten years are gone
  • 1975 Latest edition
  • 1976 Banquet in Blues (mit Rick Vito)
  • 1977 Primal solos
  • 1979 Bottom line
  • 1988 Archives to eighties
  • 1988 Chicago line
  • 1990 A sense of place
  • 1993 Wake up call
  • 1993 Mayallapolis Blues
  • 1995 Spinning Coin
  • 1995 Uncle John's Nickel (limited edition)
  • 1997 Blues for the lost days
  • 1999 Padlock on the Blues
  • 2000 Thru the years
  • 2001 Along For The Ride
  • 2002 Stories
  • 2003 70th Birthday Concert
  • 2005 Road dogs
  • 2007 In the palace of the king


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John Mayall, OBE (born 29 November 1933) is a pioneering English blues singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. His musical career spans over fifty years but the most notable episode in it occurred during the late '60s. He was the founder of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers and has been influential in the careers of many instrumentalists, including Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, Peter Green, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Mick Taylor, Don 'Sugarcane' Harris, Harvey Mandel, Larry Taylor, Aynsley Dunbar, Jon Hiseman, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Andy Fraser, Johnny Almond, Jon Mark, Walter Trout and Coco Montoya.


Mayall was the son of Murray Mayall, a guitarist and jazz music enthusiast. From an early age, he was drawn to the sounds of American blues players such as Leadbelly, Albert Ammons, Pinetop Smith, and Eddie Lang, and taught himself to play the piano, guitars, and harmonica. Mayall served three years of national service in Korea and, during a period of leave, he bought his first electric guitar. Back in Manchester he enrolled at Manchester College of Art, now part of Manchester Metropolitan University, and started playing with semi-professional bands. After graduation he obtained a job as an art designer but continued to play with local musicians. In 1963 he opted for a full time musical career and moved to London. His previous craft was put to good use in the designing of covers for many of his own albums. John Mayall married twice and has already six grand-children. Mrs Maggie Mayall is an American blues performer and since the early 1980's takes an active part in the management of her husband's career. In 2005 Mayall was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Honours List.

The Early Years

In 1956, with college fellow Peter Ward, Mayall had formed the Powerhouse Four which consisted of both men plus other local musicians with whom they played at local dances. In 1962, Mayall became a member of the Blues Syndicate. The band was led by trumpeter John Rowlands and included drummer Hughie Flint who Mayall already knew. It was Alexis Korner, another blues enthusiast, who persuaded Mayall to opt for a full time musical career and move to London. There, Korner introduced him to many other musicians and helped them to find gigs. In late 1963, with his band, which was now called the Bluesbreakers, Mayall started playing at the Marquee Club. The lineup was Mayall, Ward, John McVie on bass and guitarist Bernie Watson, formerly of Cyril Davies and the R&B All-Stars. The next spring Mayall obtained his first recording date with producer Ian Samwell. The band, with Martin Hart at the drums, recorded two tracks: "Crawling Up a Hill" and "Mr. James." Shortly after, Hughie Flint replaced Hart, and Roger Dean took the guitar from Bernie Watson. This lineup backed John Lee Hooker on his British tour in 1964.

Mayall was offered a recording contract and on 7 December 1964 a live performance of the band was recorded at the Klook's Kleek. A single, "Crocodile Walk", was recorded later in studio and released along with the album but both failed to achieve any success and the contract was terminated.

In April 1965 former Yardbirds guitarist Eric Clapton replaced Roger Dean and John Mayall's career entered its decisive phase.

The Late Sixties

The Bluesbreakers with their new guitar player started to attract considerable attention[1]. However Clapton departed without notice and had to be replaced urgently. John Weider, John Slaughter and Geoff Krivit attempted to fill in but finally Peter Green took the charge. John MacVie was dismissed and during the next six months Jack Bruce, from Graham Bond Organization, held the bass. In November Clapton came back and Green departed. Sometime later in the month, the band entered the studio to record a single, Sitting on Top of the World. Also, a live date recorded at the Flamingo provided tracks that appeared later on the 1969 compilation Looking Back and the 1977 album Primal Solos.

In April 1966, the Bluesbreakers returned to (Decca) Studios to record a second LP with producer Mike Vernon. The sessions with horn arrangements for some tracks (John Almond on baritone sax, Alan Skidmore on tenor sax and Dennis Healey on trumpet) lasted just three days. Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton was released in the UK on 22 July 1966. Today the album has gained the status of a classic, but it was also Mayall's commercial breakthrough, rising to #6 on the chart. In the mean time Clapton announced the formation of Cream with Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker.

Mayall had to replace him and persuaded Peter Green to come back. During the following year with Peter Green on guitar and various other sidemen some 40 tracks were recorded. The album A Hard Road was released in February 1967. Today its expanded versions include most of this material and the album itself also stands as a classic. Peter Green gave notice and soon started his own project Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac which was to include the three former Bluesbreakers.

Mayall's first choice to replace Green was 16-year-old David O'List, guitarist from The Attack. However O'List declined and went to form The Nice with organist Keith Emerson. Mayall found two other guitarists for the Bluesbreakers, Terry Edmonds and 19-year-old Mick Taylor.

In a single day of May 1967 Mayall alone had put together in a studio an album which was released in November with the apt title The Blues Alone. Only former Artwoods drummer Keef Hartley appears on half of the tracks which showcase Mayall's ability as multi-instrumentalist.

A six-piece lineup (consisting of Mick Taylor on lead guitar, John McVie on bass, Hughie Flint or Keef Hartley on drums, Rip Kant and Chris Mercer on saxes), recorded the album Crusade on 11 and 12 July 1967. These Bluesbreakers spent most of the year touring and Mayall taped the shows on a portable recorder. At the end of the tour he had over sixty hours of tapes which he edited into an album in two volumes: Diary of a Band, Vols. 1 & 2, released in February 1968. Meanwhile a few lineup changes had occurred: McVie had departed and was replaced by Paul Williams who quit to join Alan Price and was replaced by Keith Tillman; Dick Heckstall-Smith had taken the sax.

Following a U.S. tour, more lineup changes occurred as Mayall replaced Tillman by 15-year-old Andy Fraser, who left within six weeks to join Free and Tony Reeves, previously a member of the New Jazz Orchestra, replaced him. Hartley also left to form his own band, the Keef Hartley Band, and was replaced by New Jazz Orchestra drummer Jon Hiseman, who had also played with the Graham Bond Organization. Henry Lowther who played violin and cornet joined in February of 1968. Two months after the Bluesbreakers recorded Bare Wires, co-produced by Mayall and Mike Vernon. Hiseman, Reeves and Heckstall-Smith moved on to form Colosseum; the new lineup retained Mick Taylor and added drummer Colin Allen, formerly of Zoot Money's Big Roll Band, Dantalian's Chariot and Georgie Fame, and a young bassist Stephen Thompson. In August 1968, the new quartet recorded Blues from Laurel Canyon.

After nearly two years with Mayall, Taylor left and joined officially the Rolling Stones on 13 June 1969. Chas Crane filled in briefly. Allen then left for Stone the Crows, leaving as the only holdover bassist Thompson (who would also eventually join Stone the Crows). Mayall recruited acoustic finger-style guitarist Jon Mark and flautist/saxophonist John Almond. Mark was best known as Marianne Faithfull's accompanist for three years and for having been a member of the band Sweet Thursday (which included Nicky Hopkins); Almond had played with Zoot Money and Alan Price. The new band was markedly different from previous Mayall projects. A performance at the Fillmore East provided the tracks for the live album The Turning Point. A studio album, Empty Rooms, was recorded with the same personnel and Mayall continued the experiment of formations without drummers on two more albums. On USA Union a violin replaced the wind instruments and on Memories the band was stripped down to a trio.

In November 1970 Mayall launched a recording project involving most of the notable musicians with whom he had played during the last few years. The double album, Back to the Roots, features Clapton, M. Taylor, Harvey Mandel and Jerry McGee on guitar, Thompson and L. Taylor on bass, Keef Hartley and Paul Lagos on drums. Back to the Roots did not promote new names and USA Union and Memories were recorded with American musicians: Mayall had exhausted his catalytic role on the British blues-rock scene. The list of musicians who had benefited from association with him [2]remains impressive.

The Seventies and beyond

At the start of the seventies Mayall had relocated in the USA where he spent most of the next 15 years, recording with local musicians for various labels. In August 1971, Mayall produced a jazz oriented session[3] for bluesman Albert King and a few months later took on tour the musicians present in the studio. A live album Jazz Blues Fusion was released next year, with Mayall on harmonica, guitar and piano, Blue Mitchell on trumpet, Clifford Solomon and Ernie Watts on saxophones, Larry Taylor on bass, Ron Selico on drums and Freddy Robinson on guitar. A few personnel changes are noted at the release of a similar album in 1973, the live Movin' on. During the next decade Mayall continued shifting musicians and switching labels and released a score of albums. Tom Wilson, Don Nix and Allen Toussaint occasionally served as producers. At this stage of his career most of Mayall's music was rather different from electric blues played by rock musicians, incorporating jazz, funk or pop elements and adding even female vocals. A notable exception is The Last Of the British Blues (1978), a live album excused apparently by its title for the momentanous return to this type of music.

The Return of The Bluesbreakers

In 1982 Mayall was reunited with M. Taylor, John McVie and Colin Allen, three musicians of his sixties lineups, for a brief tour from which a live album would emerge a decade later. In 1984 Mayall restore the name Bluesbreakers for a lineup comprising the two lead guitars of Walter Trout and Coco Montoya, bassist Bobby Haynes and drummer Joe Yuele. The mythic name did perhaps something to enhance the interest in a band which by all standards was already remarkable. A successful world tour and live recordings achieved the rest. In the early 1990s most of the excitement was already spent and Buddy Whittington became the sole lead guitarist in a formation which included then organist Tom Canning. Mayall's 70th birthday was the occasion for a get together concert with some previous sidemen, including Clapton, Taylor and a few other well known names.


  • As a teenager Mayall built himself a house in a tree and went to live there, which became news in a Manchester paper. The song 'Home in a tree' appeared on 'Memories' (1971)
  • In 1979 a brush fire destroyed his Mayall's house in Laurel Canyon home, damaging seriously his musical collections and archives.
  • In 2005, Mayall was awarded an OBE in the Honours List. "It's the only major award I've ever received. I've never had a hit record or a Grammy or been in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." commented Mayall.


Original John Mayall Albums

Unofficial, Limited editions & Bootlegs

  • 1990 Crocodile Walk
  • 1984 Blues Alive (RCA/Columbia)
  • 199? Bulldogs For Sale (bootleg)[same as Crocodile Walk]
  • 199? Beano's Boys (bootleg)
  • 199? The first 5 years (Pontiac)[Crocodile Walk+BBC Sessions +unreleased]
  • 1999 Horny Blues (Massive Attack) [live '72]
  • 1999 Mayallapolis Blues (Blues Tune BT09)[live in Minneapolis 03/03/93]
  • 2000 Time Capsule (Private Stash) Limited release (J.Mayall's private archive 57-62)
  • 2001 UK Tour 2K (Private Stash) Limited release
  • 2001 Boogie Woogie Man (Private Stash) Limited release
  • 2001 Archive:live (Rialto)
  • 2003 No Days Off (Private Stash) Limited release


  • 2003 70th Birthday Concert (Eagle) live '03 CD & DVD
  • 2004 Live at Iowa State University DVD live'87
  • 2004 Cookin' Down Under DVD (Private Stash) Limited release
  • 2004 The Godfather of British Blues/Turning Point DVD (Eagle)
  • 2005 Rolling with the Blues (Recall) live'72-82 2CD+DVD
  • 2007 Live at the Bottom Line, New York 1992

John Mayall's Sidemen

A comprehensive list of musicians who have recorded and/or toured with John Mayall.

A few notable names

References and Notes

  1. ^ During Clapton's stay with the Bluesbreakers, on a wall in the London Underground appeared the famous graffito 'Clapton is God'.
  2. ^ Pete Frame, The Complete Rock Family Trees, Omnibus Press 1993.ISBN 9780711904651
  3. ^ The result was shelved but ultimately it was released in 1986 as The Lost Session
  4. ^ Pop Matters, Nov.2, 2005


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John Mayall (né le 29 novembre 1933) est un des bluesmen anglais (à la fois chanteur, harmoniciste, davantage pianiste que guitariste, et auteur-compositeur) les plus réputés.


Né à MacClesfield, un petit village près de Manchester où il fut bercé par les disques de jazz de son père et influencé par des artistes comme Leadbelly, Albert Ammons, Pinetop Smith, et Eddie Lang (son bluesman préféré restant J.B. Lenoir), il se met dès l'âge de 13 ans à apprendre le piano, puis la guitare en autodidacte. Profondément original, il fabrique lui-même ses guitares et il vécut même un certain temps dans une cabane dans un arbre !

Avant de commencer sa carrière musicale, John Mayall connut un début de carrière de graphiste qu'il quitta définitivement à 30 ans pour former The Bluesbreakers qui reste le nom de son groupe plus de quarante ans après (aujourd'hui, les musiciens sont américains).

Lors du fameux British Blues Boom anglais à partir de 1963 ce groupe s'avéra une véritable pépinière de talents pour le blues britannique en révélant d'innombrables musiciens, et notamment le bassiste Jack Bruce, les guitaristes Eric Clapton (qui forma Cream ensuite), Peter Green (qui fit partie de Fleetwood Mac avec le bassiste des Bluesbreakers John McVie), et Mick Taylor (qui ensuite rejoignit les Rolling Stones)...


Il ne s'agit que de la discographie originale et officielle sur album 33 T ou CD, excluant les 45 T et toutes les compilations ou autres 'Best of' ainsi que les rééditions couplées ou non. Elle est classée par ordre chronologique d'enregistrement. Sauf autre mention, le disque a été enregistré et publié dans l'année indiquée.

  • John Mayall Plays John Mayall (Live at Klooks Kleek, 7/12/64), 1965
  • Blues Breakers - John Mayall with Eric Clapton, 1966
  • A Hard Road, oct.-nov. 66, 1967
  • Crusade, 1967
  • The Blues Alone, 1967
  • Diary of a Band Volume 1, oct.-nov. 67, 1968 (live)
  • Diary of a Band Volume 2, oct.-nov. 67, 1968 (live)
  • Bare Wires, 1968
  • Blues from Laurel Canyon, 1968
  • Looking back, 1964-67, 1969
  • Thru the years, 1964-68, 1971
  • Primal solos, avril 66 et mai+déc. 68, 1977 (live)
  • The Masters-B.O.F. The Turning Point, mai-juin 69, 1999 (double CD live)
  • Live at The Marquee, 30/6/69, 1999
  • The Turning Point, 1969 (live)
  • Empty rooms, 1970
  • Usa Union, 1970
  • Back to the roots, nov. 70, 1971 (double 33T)
  • Memories, 1971
  • Jazz Blues fusion, nov.-déc. 71, 1972 (live)
  • Rock the blues tonight, 1970-71, 1999 (double CD live)
  • Moving on, 1972 (live)
  • Ten years are gone, 1973 (double 33T dont 1 live)
  • The latest edition, 1974
  • New year, new band, new company, 1975
  • Notice to appear, fin 75, 1976
  • A banquet in blues, 1976
  • Lots of people 24/11/76, 1977 (live)
  • A hard core package, 1977
  • The last of the British blues, 1978 (live)
  • Bottom line, 1979
  • No more interviews, 1979
  • Road show blues, 1980
  • Return of the Bluesbreakers, 1981-82, 1985
  • The 1982 reunion concert, 17/6/82, 1994
  • Rolling with the blues, 72-73, 80 + 82, 2003 (double CD live)
  • Cross country blues, mai 81 et juillet 84, 1994
  • Behind the iron curtain, 1985 (live)
  • The power of the blues, avril 87, 1992 (ou 90 ?) (live)
  • Archives to eighties, nov. 70 + janv. 88, 1988
  • Chicago line, 1988
  • A sense of place, déc. 89, 1990
  • Wake up call, oct.-nov. 92, 1993
  • Live from Austin, Texas, 13 sept. 93, 2007
  • Spinning Coin, mai+août 94, 1995
  • Blues for the lost days, oct. 96, 1997
  • Padlock on the Blues, oct. 98, 1999
  • Along for the ride, fin 00, 2001
  • Stories, 2002
  • 70th Birthday Concert, 2003 (double CD live)
  • Road dogs, 2005
  • Live At The BBC (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers, 1965-1967 + 1975), 2007
  • In The Palace Of The King (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers), 2007

Il est à signaler que le fan club officiel a publié 4 CDs live depuis 2000, dont un avec des enregistrements privés datant de 1957 à 1962 et 3 autres enregistrés en 2000 et 2002. L'album Raw blues de 1967 est une compilation de divers artistes et contient 6 inédits datant de 1966.


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Genere Blues Rock, Blues
Periodo attività 1956 -
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Album pubblicati 51
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John Mayall (Macclesfield, 29 novembre 1933) è un musicista e cantautore blues inglese di fama internazionale.

John Mayall è stato per lungo tempo il punto di riferimento fondamentale per la scena blues inglese. Il suo complesso, i Bluesbreakers, ha rappresentato la formazione di transizione e di connessione tra il blues revival degli anni cinquanta ed il rock-blues degli anni sessanta.

Particolarmente capace nella scoperta di grandissimi talenti, dal gruppo di Mayall sono nati musicisti come Eric Clapton, Mick Taylor, Larry Taylor e Peter Green.

Tra gli album più significativi: Crusade, Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton, The Turning Point, Bare Wires, Jazz Blues Fusion.


Mayall è il figlio di Murray Mayall, chitarrista e appassionato di musica jazz. Fin dall'infanzia, fu avvicinato alle sonorità di musicisti blues americani fra cui Leadbelly, Albert Ammons, Pinetop Smith, and Eddie Lang, e imparò da autodidatta a suonare il piano, la chitarra e l'armonica.

Mayall frequentò la scuola d'arte e dopo fece tre anni di servizio militare con l'Esercito Britannico in Corea. Nel 1956, cominciò a suonare blues con gruppi quasi professionistici, "The Powerhouse Four" e, in seguito, "The Blues Syndicate". Sotto l'influenza di Alexis Korner, si trasferì a Londra e formò i "John Mayall's Bluesbreakers".

I Bluesbreakers erano una specie di banco di prova e di allenamento per musicisti blues, e ci furono diversi cambi di componenti prima dell'arrivo di Eric Clapton, con il quale il gruppo raggiunse il suo primo successo commerciale. Dopo che Clapton lasciò per fondare i Cream, i Bluesbreakers presero fra le loro file una serie di altri musicisti notevoli, fra cui Peter Green, John McVie, Kal David, and Mick Taylor. Si riportano le parole di Eric Clapton, "John Mayall ha gestito una scuola per musicisti incredibilmente buona."

Nei primi anni '70, Mayall raggiunse il successo commerciale negli Stati Uniti a si trasferì al Laurel Canyon, a Los Angeles. Là ebbe un'importante influenza sulle carriere di musicisti emergenti come Blue Mitchell, Red Holloway, Larry Taylor, and Harvey Mandel.

Mayall da allora ha continuato a suonare e dare concerti, ricostituendo anche i Bluesbreakers nel 1982.

Il 29 novembre 2003 ha effettuato un grande concerto a Liverpool portando sul palco, tra gli altri, Eric Clapton e Mick Taylor.


Discografia ufficiale

Discografia non ufficiale, edizioni limitate e bootleg



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mit Bilder,Pics,Fotos vom Hamburger Starclub, der Starclub bis 1969, aber auch Sportbilder,Staedte und Sonstiges der Stadt Hamburg sowie Deutschland.

Alle Bilder Copyrigt by JR-Project Jens Rabenstein, Robby Günther  -

Im Inhaltsverzeichnis sind viele Bands wie AC-DC, Deep Purple, Beatles, Lee Curtis, Led Zeppelin, aber auch Stars wie Conny Froboes, Frank Zappa, Rolling Stones, Walker Brothers /// Städte wie Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin /// Sport wie Uwe Seeler , HSV, Rosendahl, Gerd Müller, Kottysch   u.v.a.

Weitere Band aus dem Hamburger Starclub: Chris Andrews, Birds & Bees, Eric Burdon, Ray Charles, Eric Clapton, The Creation, Lee Curtis, Dave Dee,Dozy,Beaky,Mick & Tich, Frank Dostal, Easybeats, Equals, The Faces, Chris Farlowe, Ian and the Zodiacs, Kingpins, Rivets - Henner Hoier, Hari-Kari, Ben E.King, The Londoners, The Liverbirds, Mama-Bettys-Band, Manchester Playboys, Frank Zappa, The Move, Rattles, The Nice, Achim Reichel, Remo Four, Screamers, Tony Sheridan, Small Faces, The Smoke, Spencer Davis-Group, VIPs, Spooky Tooth, The Taste, Tremeloes, Troggs, Vanilla Fudge, Walker Brothers, Wonderland, Johnny Young und viele Andere...